Prova gratuitamente Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Square Enix ha lanciato un'interessante iniziativa dedicata a Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. E' infatti possibile da subito scaricare una versione gratuita del titolo, seguendo questo link, e provare per 14 giorni l'MMORPG senza alcun limite. Sono anche stati introdotti alcuni premi per gli utenti già iscritti che riusciranno a convincere qualche amico a provare il gioco.
Vi lasciamo il comunicato stampa originale, mentre qui potete leggere la nostra recensione:
LONDON (31st July, 2014) – Starting today at 18:00 BST, players can try out the critically acclaimed FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn online adventure for free. The 14-day free trial program allows new players an opportunity to join over 2 million adventurers worldwide who have already begun their journey throughout the realm of Eorzea.
By downloading and installing the free trial software, which is available at, players can play for free for up to 14 days from account creation to a maximum level of twenty. Free trial players will have certain limitations on available in-game activities. More details are available on “The Lodestone,” the official FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn community page
The online game offers a wealth of playable content updates, including the recently released, Defenders of Eorzea, the Patch 2.3 update. It features Frontline, the three-faction PVP where up to 72 players can go head-to-head in direct combat; Chocobo Raising, where players can train their favourite feathered companion to reach its full potential.
Also starting today is the Recruit a Friend Campaign an easy way to invite your friends to play via the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station. As a special bonus, if an invited friend becomes a subscriber, you’ll get to enjoy a number of special In-Game Rewards.
If a friend subscribes for 30 days, you’ll receive:
Friendship Circlet (For Recruiters and Friends)
Increases EXP earned by 20% when below level 25.
Aetheryte Pendulum (For Recruiters)
Teleport to the aetheryte closest to New Adventurers on your friend list free of charge.
The Aetheryte Pendulum can be used for any New Adventurers on your friend list, even if you have not invited them via the Recruit a Friend campaign.
If a friend subscribes for 90 days you’ll receive:
Draught Chocobo Whistle (For Recruiters)
A special hand-carved whistle used to summon a draught Chocobo, capable of accommodating a second passenger when partying with others.
Full details of the Recruit a Friend campaign can be found on the Lodestone.